
Sunday, 10 May 2020

back in the 90s intervene

Life in the 90’s InterviewRemember the 90s? - CUInsight

Find someone to interview. They must have lived in the 90s (so try find someone who is 
28 or older):
  • You can easily interview someone from your Whanau (try your parents of even better your
  • grandparents)
  • Email a teacher at school

Ask them these interview questions, and write down their answers.

Who are you interviewing?

What is their name? (remember to be cyber smart - no last names)
  • Linda

How old were they in the 90’s? (they might say something like “in my 20’s” or “a teenager”)
20 years old 
Questions to ask the person you are interviewing.

Tell me about what School/ Work was like for you in the 90’s
- School was very challenging and different compared to nowadays school. If you were to fail
your exam at year 9, you won’t fail and be a year 10 you will continue to keep studying as a year
9 to pass your exams and then move on to year 10. The struggle back then was hard and my
parents had to sacrifice heaps of things just for us to go to school. 

What was your TV like in the 90’s?
- Black and white quality and the sound was very poor. 

How did you contact your friends in the 90’s?
- No technology, just talked to them at school or at the shops

What was your family car like in the 90’s?
- it was ute and most of the time it was being used so we would walk to school,church and most

What was your favourite thing about the 90’s?
- Being able to experience that part of life and to know the struggles and getting through that
with my family before we moved to NZ to get that wonder of life. 

Question for you to answer.

Based on the answers you received. 
Do you think you would like living in the 90’s?
- Yes/No


- Just because I think that I wouldn’t survive in the 90’s and I've been so interested in
technology and playing games and it sounds scary to me because of what they’ve been

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