
Tuesday, 23 June 2020


Women, Children or
Animals in WW1

WALT use descriptive language to add detail

During world war I, women, children and animals all had special roles.

Task 1: Choose a topic and watch the video clips for that chosen topic:

Task 2: Brainstorm descriptions and vocabulary for your chosen topic.

My chosen topic:

Task 3: Write a description of the role that women/children/animals [choose one] had during the war.

  • Think about the 5 senses:
    • Smell
    • Hear
    • See
    • Touch
    • Taste

Start writing here:
once  upon a time there was a young boy called Tevita and he was in the war
and they battle for france then they saw england and they were ready for fight
because they didn't like them because they are selfish and cruel then they
battle england had amors and france had axe so france could take off the
amor so they win the battle then france had dogs to and they let them go
and the dog ran bite the other team and one of the dog got killed and they
were all angry so they rushed them and they all died by snipers then they
were happy and they went back to there home town.

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